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Zurich earns top 20 spot in new global City Index, Geneva and Vienna follow close behind
With a score of 84.6/100, London tops the inaugural Brand Finance City Index, based on a global survey of 15,000 New York and Paris are close behind in 2nd and 3rd among 100 cities in the ranking Zurich (17 th … read more
New Delhi clinches title as India’s top city with Bangalore and Mumbai following closely behind
With a score of 84.6/100, London tops the inaugural Brand Finance City Index, based on a global survey of 15,000 New York and Paris are close behind in 2nd and 3rd among 100 cities in the ranking New Delhi is … read more
Estas son las marcas que están contribuyendo más a la economía de España según Brand Finance
Las principales marcas españolas suman en su conjunto 116.847 millones de euros, un 8% superior al valor que sumaban en 2022 pero sin superar aún el valor que poseían antes de la pandemia (118,2 mil millones de euros en 2020). … read more
Fincantieri brand value grow twice as fast as the top 100 Italian most valuable brands
"The brand rating upgrade (AA) and the robust growth in Brand Value (+22%) are testament not only to Fincantieri's brand excellence in Italy and globally, but also to the brand's great future prospects as it looks to innovation, best-in-class governance and sustainability to keep nurturing its growth." … read more
Il valore monetario del brand Fincantieri cresce a velocità doppia rispetto ai top 100 brand italiani
Fincantieri tra i top brand italiani della Brand Finance Italy 100 2023 Il marchio Fincantieri con un valore pari a 736 milioni di euro grazie ad una crescita del 22% sale al 57° posto Con un brand rating AA molto … read more
Gucci vale 17 miliardi di euro e si conferma il brand italiano di maggiore valore Con una crescita del 149% Lamborghini è il brand italiano il cui valore cresce di più Con un punteggio pari a 91/100 Ferrari è il brand … read more
Brand Finance finds the Monarchy will deliver a £958 million economic benefit to the UK this year
A new and updated cost-benefit analysis conducted by Brand Finance reveals that the Royal Family continues to make a positive financial impact on the United Kingdom’s economy, despite costs rising and benefits declining. … read more
New Research Finds Royal Warrants Drive British Brands
Awareness, familiarity and understanding of Royal Warrants and their impact on British consumers is the topic of original new research conducted by Brand Finance to coincide with the coronation of King Charles 3. … read more
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Penny Erricker
Senior Communications Executive
Brand Finance
Florina Cormack-Loyd
Communications Director - North America
Brand Finance
Gayathri Saravana Kumar
Marketing Director - Asia Pacific
Brand Finance