This article was originally published in the Brand Finance China 500 2023.
Yili ranks among the top five in the global dairy industry and has been ranked first in the Asian dairy industry for nine consecutive years. It is also the largest dairy company in China with the most comprehensive product categories. With the best product quality, leading integrated service and sustainable development capabilities, Yili has always been trusted and recognised at the world's top events and competitions. The brand is also a leading household name to governments and people from all walks of life.
Yili actively promotes ESG development, with the outcomes of its sustainable development practices in terms of economy, society and environment recognised on several occasions. These include distinctions awarded by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences such as a “5-Star +” rating, the highest rating in the industry, by the academy’s China Corporate Social Responsibility Report Rating Expert Committee for three consecutive times and clinching top position within the dairy industry in the academy’s China Corporate Social Responsibility Development Index for five consecutive years. Yili also ranked first in the inaugural release of the Hurun China Top 100 Private Enterprises for Sustainable Development report by the Hurun Research Institute and had the honour of being the only dairy brand featured in Forbes China’s 2022 China ESG 50 list.
Yili has always adhered to a consumer-centric approach, leveraging diversified and new healthy consumption trends. It comprehensively deploys new technologies, categories and channels in continuing to cultivate the growth potential of its high-quality products in order to provide consumers with nutritious and healthy products. In 2022, Yili achieved a total operating revenue of 123.17 billion yuan ($17.82 billion), an increase of 11.37% year-on-year and a net profit of 9.43 billion yuan ($1.36 billion) attributable to its parent company, which translates to an increase of 8.34% year-on-year.

This article was originally published in the Brand Finance 中国 500 2023.
伊利集团位居全球乳业五强,连续九年蝉联亚洲乳业第 一,也是中国规模最大、产品品类最全的乳制品企业。 最优的产品品质、领先的综合服务能力和全面的可持续 发展能力,让伊利一直深受全球顶级盛会、赛事以及各 级政府和社会各界的信赖与认可。
伊利集团积极推进ESG建设,在经济、社会、环境方面 的可持续发展实践成果,连续三次被中国社科院中国企 业社会责任报告评级专家委员会评定为“五星+”报告, 为行业最高评级。胡润研究院首次发布《胡润中国民营 企业可持续发展百强榜》,公司位列榜单第一;福布斯 中国发布2022中国ESG 50名单,公司作为中国唯一乳企 成功入选;公司连续5年荣获中国社科院“中国企业社会 责任发展指数乳制品行业第一”。
伊利集团始终坚持“以消费者为中心”,把握多样化、 健康化新消费趋势,全面布局新技术、新品类、新渠 道,为消费者提供覆盖全生命周期的营养健康产品,持 续培育高质量增长潜能。2022年,伊利实现营业总收 入1231.71亿元,同比增11.37%,归母净利润94.31亿 元,同比增8.34%,营收净利再创历史新高,稳居绝对 龙头地位,领先优势持续扩大。