This article was originally published in the Global Soft Power Index 2023.

According to Brand Finance’s latest research, the USA's Global Soft Power rating reached an all-time high, extending its positive trend for the second consecutive year. The USA added four points to its total score, placing it in first place and seven points ahead of the second-ranked United Kingdom. Equally impressive is the 19-point gain compared to the 55.9 score it recorded in 2021.
Though the US overall scores continue to grow where one expects the US to do well, attributes such as A Strong and Stable Economy (scores 10 of 10), Influence in Diplomatic Circles (scores 10 of 10), Leader in Technology and Innovation (scores 9.0 of 10 – likely led by best in class innovation such as Apple, Microsoft, Tesla, and Amazon), Brand USA scores poorly in one area in particular that should speak to all of us who either live in the United States or who represent the country abroad: America's scores lowest in the People and Values pillar.
Further investigation reveals that the US is trending downwards in attributes such as Trustworthy (down 11 places to 32nd) and has lost five ranking places in perceptions related to Generous. Perhaps most worryingly, America ranks 103rd in Friendly People (down 41 spots from being ranked 62nd in 2022). The world sample according to our study perceives that there are 102 nations with friendlier people than the USA.

It is surprising that a country that is perceived to be Best in Class in a study that measures the preference of others through appeal and attraction would score so poorly on perceptions of the friendliness of its people. However, this issue can be fixed, but it will require a significant shift in how Americans treat each other within the country's borders before the country can repair its reputation abroad.
In that sense, the opportunity for further improvement in the United States’ Soft Power is likely not something that can be changed or fixed by Government policy. It reflects a weakness in how non-Governmental actors are perceived and might indicate a deep-seated cultural challenge to improving American soft power in the future.
Given the results found in this study, there is more right with Brand America than wrong. However, as the great American writer, Thomas Friedman once stated, it will depend on reviving America's ability to do big, hard things together once again.